Frequently Asked Questions

1What is MESSA?
MESSA is an all in one management platform for School. MESSA features revolves around operational tasks and e-learning.
2 How does MESSA work?
MESSA is a cloud based platform accessible online. With built-in customizable features, school managers just has to go online, set up an account hand pick features they want to use and order the amount of license they want. Secure connection credentials are then sent by email to the account creator.
3 Who is MESSa for?
MESSA is for all School types from preschool to higher education institutions. It also works great with any educational institution even in a non-scholar activities such as sports club and summer camps.
4 What are the minimum requirements?
To use MESSA you will only need a computer device (such as: PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone) connected to Internet with at least 1Mbps bandwidth speed.
5 Where can I access MESSA plateform
With an Internet connection and authentic credentials, MESSA is accessible from anywhere, anytime with any modern connected or mobile device.
6 Can I use MESSA offline?
MESSA is a cloud based platform that works online.
1 How does a free trial work?
Trial version of MESSA comes with 25 free user licenses ont the first year of subscription, which gives you access to all features. You get the full experience of the depth and breadth of MESSA for as long as you want. A commercial agent is there to help you upgrade when needed.
2 What is a user licence?
The number of active students enrolled in the platform.
3 How much does MESSA cost?
In MESSA you pay for what you consume, each module has its price. The user chooses his modules and this cost will be multiplied by the desired number of licenses.
4 Is costomization included in the pricing?
Minor customizations and general upgrades are included in your subscription. To know more about custom programming feel free to contact customer support team.
5 Am I entitled to a discount when I buy licenses?
Speak to MESSA commercial agents to know more about current deals and promotions.
6 What is the payment process?
Once you have your invoice you can pay your annual subscription by bank transfer or check.
7 Do I need to enter my credit card info to sign up?
No credit card info is needed to sign up. After completing the subscription form a commercial agent will contact you to set up your school’s account and walk you through the process of using your favorite features.
1 Will my data be safe?
MESSA team take security very seriously. Our servers are hosted in a world-class data center that is protected by 24-hour surveillance and we ensure that our platform is always up to date with the latest security patches. Our plans also include SSL encryption to keep your data safe.
2 Will my data be private?
Strict privacy policy don't allow MESSA to share your data without your explicit and advised permissions.
3 Does MESSA integrate with 3rd party apps?
No Messa isn't compatible with third party apps. However MESSA's programming team will be at your service for any modification or added feature you wish to integrate into MESSA.
4 Can I connect MESSA to 3rd party applications?
Yes, Messa has an API that can be used to export or import data thus allowing it to communicate with other applications.
5 What if I accidently delete my data?
In case of an accidental deletion, MESSA's support team will be happy to guide you through the process of restoring your data. Give us a call and we'll assist you.
6 How much data does MESSA consumes?
MESSA is a cloud based platform that works online.
7 Can I track user activities on my account?
Yes, activity management and tracking features help you track user activity, grant or revoke user access and privileges..
1 Can I upgrade or downgrade / switch plans at any time?
Yes, however you'll need to contact our costumer support to validate your choices.
2 What if I am not familiar with technology?
Our basic and advanced training program will allow you to quickly acquire the knowledge necessary to use MESSA effectively.
3 What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?
If you decide to cancel your subscription, ALL OF YOUR DATA will be returned to you and permanantly erased from our servers.
4 I have too many user license, what can I do with it?
All surplus of licences can be held for future use. Do not worry you only pay for what you consume.